CapaInstaller 6.2 ensures pre-stage...
CapaSystems Blog
Release PerformanceGuard 8.2: Slut med Big Bang eller gætterier
Computere bliver gamle og langsomme, det ved vi alle. Hardware kravene stiger og stiger, og derfor udskiftes computere løbende.
Release: What’s Going on Dashboard i PerformanceGuard 8.2
Vi har netop sendt PerformanceGuard 8.2 på gaden, og nu kan du for alvor få det samlede overblik over performance på ALLE enheder – og dermed træffe de RIGTIGE valg.
CapaServices løfter værdien af vores løsninger
CapaServices elimininerer de elementer af...
Android Enterprise – Part One
In the following series of blogs, we will discuss Android Enterprise – Managed Google Play Store. There is a lot of information about this subject, therefore to make it easier to get started with; we will cover it in three blogs.
This is the first blog post.
Troubleshooting Windows 10 IPU
Microsoft recommends using the Windows 10 in-place upgrade (IPU) method when you want to upgrade your Windows installation with a new feature update.
Using this method automatically preserves all data, settings, applications, and drivers – in theory!
Monitoring Windows Performance Counters in PerformanceGuard
Windows Performance Counters: This blogpost will help you to understand, how you can monitor Windows Performance Counters in PerformanceGuard
TeamViewer Integration with CapaInstaller
TeamViewer Integration: To Integrate TeamViewer with CapaInstaller, you need to use Custom Inventory and External tools – follow this blog to make the integration work.
How to Provision devices with Android zero-touch
Zero-touch Provisioning: Information about how to provision devices with Android zero-touch.
Get Ready for Android zero-touch
This article describes what Android zero-touch (ZT) is and how you get started with it.
NIS2 udskudt til 1. marts 2025
NIS2 udskudt: Regeringen har flyttet den kommende NIS2-lov...
Kan du spotte en falsk mail fra chefen?
En falsk mail fra chefen er blot én af de metoder hackerne benytter sig af. Lær hvordan du beskytter din virksomhed mod CEO-fraud.
Feature Discovery Day nr. 1
Feature Discovery Day: Onsdag den 4. september fokuserer...