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CapaSystems Blog
Endnu en kunde forlænger deres aftale hos CapaSystems!
Denne gang er det DIGNITY – Dansk Institut Mod...
Herlufsholm Skole forlænger endnu engang med CapaSystems
Vi er glade for at kunne annoncere, at...
TV2 Lorry forlænger deres aftale med CapaSystems
Det er altid med stor stolthed, at vi kan...
Release: CapaInstaller just got a lot smarter
CapaInstaller 6.2 ensures pre-stage...
TeamViewer Integration with CapaInstaller
TeamViewer Integration: To Integrate TeamViewer with CapaInstaller, you need to use Custom Inventory and External tools – follow this blog to make the integration work.
Deploying Microsoft Store Apps
Store Apps: The primary purpose of this article is to provide you with a solution on how to install Microsoft Store apps through CapaInstaller.
iOS: How to install Outlook App
AppConfig iOS: This article describes how to install the Outlook App and use AppConfig to setup Outlook for the linked user. It will set up an email, calendar, and contacts. It will also sync the contacts to the local phone book app.
How to distribute software packages
Distribution Server: In this brief document, I’ll discuss the problem arising when 1000 clients try to download a 4 GB software package from the same server at once, and what it takes to make it tolerable for the network administrator.
Using Windows Toast notifications to help users
Toast Notifications: This blogpost will help you to educate your users through Windows Toast messages, but the focus of this blog is to teach users to reboot more often – since that still is the way to install big critical updates in Windows 10.

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